Αποδόθηκαν 900.000 core hours σε 9 έργα προετοιμασίας (Type A) και ανάπτυξης (Type B) για χρονικό διάστημα των 2 έως 4 μηνών.
Project Acronym | Project Name | PI Name | Research Field | Organization Name | Allocated Core Hours | Type |
Co-Brain | Complexity in the Brain | Astero Provata | Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences | “Demokritos” National Center for Scientific Research | 100.000,00 | Development (Type B) |
PaTrop | Improvement of the tropospheric delay component of GPS and INSAR measurements in the western Corinth Gulf (Greece), by the use of high-resolution meteorological modeling of the lower troposphere: The PaTrop Experiment | Nikolaos Roukounakis | Earth System Sciences | National Observatory of Athens | 100.000,00 | Preparatory (Type A) |
ESLDM | Electronic structure of low-dimensional materials | Ioannis Remediakis | Chemical Sciences and Materials | University of Crete | 100.000,00 | Development (Type B) |
AMDAS | Ab-initio molecular dynamics of ferro-aluminosilicate slag | Konstantinos Karalis | Chemical Sciences and Materials | National Technical University of Athens | 100.000,00 | Preparatory (Type A) |
UAPAMD | Molecular Dynamic Simulations of UapA Transporter | Emmanuel Mikros | Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences | National & Kapodistrian University of Athens | 100.000,00 | Preparatory (Type A) |
SSCAMS | Scaling Spectral Clustering Algorithms on Distributed Memory Systems | Efstratios Gallopoulos | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | University of Patras | 100.000,00 | Development (Type B) |
MDGLASS | Molecular Dynamics for Bioactive Glasses | Ioannis Koutselas | Chemical Sciences and Materials | Univ Patras | 100.000,00 | Preparatory (Type A) |
OptiCar | Optimization of Car Aerodynamics | Kyriakos Giannakoglou | Engineering | NTUA | 100.000,00 | Preparatory (Type A) |
SOUND | Stochastic Ocean UNcertainty moDelling | Vassilios Vervatis | Earth System Sciences | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 100.000,00 | Preparatory (Type A) |