17th Call for Proposals for Production Projects

Deadline: 16th September 2024


Will provide state-of-the-art supercomputing capabilities to the Greek and international scientific and research communities.


The new system targets a broad range of applications and scientific domains such as: Computational Sciences, Earth Sciences etc.


The system will be based on 426 nodes, equipped with latest HPC oriented x86_64 CPU technologies, providing power efficiency and low footprint.


The sustained performance of the system is 179,73 TFlops.

Center of Gravity

Will become an important center of gravity for technical computing in Greece and South East Europe.


The system will foster international collaboration and resource sharing in Europe and beyond




The technical documentation of ARIS can be found here.



The National Infrastructures for Research and Technology S.A. (GRNET S.A.), organizes a national dissemination event and school in HPC Efficient Usage Techniques from September 14th to September 16thth, 2015 at the in Athens, Greece. The event addresses existing and potential users of High Performance Computing systems in Greece. Professors, Researchers and students from Greek institutes will receive information and specialised training tailored to the new national HPC facility ARIS.
More information can be found in the following link (in Greek).