Awarder Projects 10th Production Call

Αποδόθηκαν 52,904,500 core hours σε 42 έργα για χρονικό διάστημα των 12 μηνών.

Project Acronym Project Name Research Field Organization Name Allocated Thin Allocated Fat Allocated GPU
Adaptive-Myc Investigation of the binding mechanism of monomeric c-Myc/ligand complexes using equilibrium and adaptive MD methods Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences Biomedical Research Foundation – Academy of Athens 100000
ANION Atmospheric Nutrients in the Ocean System Earth System Sciences National Observatory Athens 1300000 1375000
ARCTIC_CHEM Modeling Extreme Warm-Air Advection in the Arctic: The Effect of different Chemical Mechanisms on Cloud Properties Earth System Sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 480000
BALCONY Magnetic BehAviour of Ligand COated Magnetic Nanoparticle sYstems Chemical Sciences and Materials NCSR Demokritos 100000 500000
BigEarthNet Efficient BigEarthNet Earth System Sciences National Observatory Athens 220000
CADD-AK Computational-Aided Drug Design Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 1300000 2000
CLAMPAQ-WEMAC CLimatic chAnge iMPact in Air Quality in WEstern MACedonia Engineering University of Western Macedonia 500000
CORE Computational studies on organic electronic materials Chemical Sciences and Materials National Technical University of Athens 800000 200000
CYP2D6-DYN CYP2D6 efficiency in drug metabolism – insight from molecular dynamics Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas 3500000
DiCoMOrA Diffusion coefficients of mixtures of secondary organic aerosol components Earth System Sciences University of Patras 3300000
Eden Eden agricultural pre-trained networks repository Earth System Sciences Agricultural University of Athens 100000
ELASTODYN ELASTODYNamic analysis of Wind Turbines under turbulent wind inflow Engineering National Technical University of Athens 2500000
ELUCE Effects of past and future Land Use Changes on European climate Earth System Sciences Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 2600000
ENGEN-2 Engineering Enhanced Gene-based Nanocarriers 2 Engineering National Technical University of Athens 2950000 370000
EOLIKOS_III A hybrid meso/micro atmospheric modelling approach Engineering Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving 1000000
FEPBMAA BMAA and its carbamate adducts as potential inhibitors of glutamate receptors. Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 920000
FimbriaeDynamics Structural and Computational Studies of Type I fimbriae Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 500000
FirePC Fire-emitted Pollution and Climate change: linkages in the past, present, and future Earth System Sciences Technical University of Crete 1300000 1350000
FSSF Functional and structural studies of FurE Symporter Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 290000 290000 210000
GNERT2 Gold nanoparticles in modern radiation therapy techniques Medicine National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 500000
GyroSim GyroSim-21 Engineering National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 200000 50000
HDadapt2CC High-resolution simulations of high-impact weather events in Greece Earth System Sciences National Observatory Athens 300000
HSFE-CS Hydrogen Safety: Fires and Explosions in Confined Spaces Engineering NCSR Demokritos 900000 100000
INVenTORs-IV INterannual VariabiliTy of Oxygen in MediteRranean sea-?V Earth System Sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 700000 50000
KIN_IMMUNMD_III Microsecond-scale MD simulations of a tyrosine kinase linked to autoimmune diseases III Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences NCSR Demokritos 1900000
KRAS-adaptive Investigating the K-Ras dimerization process at the membrane interface using adaptive sampling simulations Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences Biomedical Research Foundation – Academy of Athens 70000 103500
LURAD Lunar Radiation Module Universe Sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 1000000 5000
MDSBA Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Benchmark Aptamers Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences Biomedical Research Foundation – Academy of Athens 550000
MecInv Mechanical inversion of earthquake parameters Earth System Sciences National Observatory Athens 50000 50000 100000
MERCENV Thermodynamic Properties and Rate Coefficients for Chemical Reactions of Hg(II) Species in the Environment Chemical Sciences and Materials NCSR Demokritos 300000
MOD2N Multi-disciplinary Optimization assisted by Deep Neural Networks Engineering National Technical University of Athens 432000 37000
MuSiBioSOB Multiscale Simulations of Biological Systems and Oligomeric Blends Chemical Sciences and Materials National Technical University of Athens 3500000
NEGF Non-equilibrium transport phenomena in gas microflows Engineering University of Thessaly 1000000
NOUS Novel nanOstrUctured Semiconductors Chemical Sciences and Materials Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 1200000 1150000
PARTENSOR-STOCHASTIC PARTENSOR-STOCHASTIC Mathematics and Computer Sciences Technical University of Crete 100000 100000 100000
PrediHEUR MD-based prediction of macroscopic properties of poly-meric HEUR solutions Chemical Sciences and Materials National Technical University of Athens 500000 100000
ROSCYN Exploring reactive oxygen species (ROS) reactions for the degradation of cyanotoxins using QM/MM simulations Chemical Sciences and Materials National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 900000
RWB2MEDCYCLONES Elucidating the role of Rossby wave breaking in the forecasting skill of Mediterranean cyclogenesis Earth System Sciences Hellenic Centre for Marine Research 900000
SHIPFLOW Application of a two-phase artificial compressibility solver for free surface flows Engineering National Technical University of Athens 2500000
Spuc Simulation of polymers under confinement Chemical Sciences and Materials University of Ioannina 3500000 500000
SUSYMM2 Emergence of Time and Space in Matrix Models of Superstring Theory – Part 3 Fundamental Constituents of Matter National Technical University of Athens 1050000
Zipper Brushes Zipper Brushes Chemical Sciences and Materials University of Ioannina 350000