Εγκεκριμένα Έργα Προετοιμασίας/Ανάπτυξης – 4th cut-off

Αποδόθηκαν 360.000 core hours σε 4 έργα προετοιμασίας (Type A) και ανάπτυξης (Type B) για χρονικό διάστημα των 2 έως 4 μηνών.

Project Acronym Project Title Pi Name Research Field Type Allocated Core Hours
COCHLEA COCHLEA Ioannis Tigelis Engineering B 60000
FracSim Fracture SImulations of Atomistic Polyethylene Networks Christos Tzoumanekas Materials Science & Engineering A 100000
InfOli Acceleration of a Biophysically-Accurate Simulator Aimed at the Inferior-Olivary Region George Chatzikonstantis Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences B 100000
myAirCoach Analysis, modelling and sensing of both physiological and environmental factors for the customized and predictive self-management of Asthma Dimitrios Tzovaras Physiology and Medicine A 100000