Εγκεκριμένα Έργα Προετοιμασίας/Ανάπτυξης – 3rd cut-off

Αποδόθηκαν 600.000 core hours σε 6 έργα προετοιμασίας (Type A) και ανάπτυξης (Type B)  για χρονικό διάστημα των 2 έως 4 μηνών.

Project Acronym Project Name PI Name Research Field Organization Name Allocated Core Hours Type
Streamonas@GRNET Big Data Real-Time Analysis with Streamonas DSMS Panayiotis Michael Mathematics and Computer Sciences National Technical University of Athens – Dept. Electr. & Computer Engineering 100000 Preparatory (Type A)
Dilute_Baxter_Wu Dilute Baxter-Wu model Ioannis Velonakis Fundamental Constituents of Matter National and Kapodistrian Univeristy of Athens 100000 Development (Type B)
COASTHPC High Performance Computing of Coastal Processes Athanassios Dimas Engineering University of Patras 100000 Preparatory (Type A)
DVMC Dose Verification in Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Pantelis Karaiskos Physiology and Medicine University of Athens 100000 Preparatory (Type A)
ScaleMaPFlow Scalability of the MaPflow code in moving rotor simulations Giorgos Papadakis Engineering National Technical University of Athens 100000 Preparatory (Type A)
CDOLPOT Code Decay of Long Periods of Time Diomidis Spinellis Mathematics and Computer Sciences Athens University of Economics and Business 100000 Preparatory (Type A)