Αποδόθηκαν 2.900.000 core hours σε 50 έργα προετοιμασίας (Type A) και ανάπτυξης (Type B) για χρονικό διάστημα των 2 έως 4 μηνών.
Acronym application | Research field | Organization | Allocated Core Hours |
WMDTURBO | Engineering | National Technical University of Athens | 10000 |
CryoUNET | Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 50000 |
comp4elisity | Universe Sciences | University of Ioannina | 61000 |
SMARTOURISM-AI | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas | 50000 |
MATCOB | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | University of Piraeus | 42000 |
ATM-DIL | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | University of Piraeus | 20000 |
SRUNP | Chemical Sciences and Materials | University of Patras | 100000 |
WES4 | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | University of Crete | 50000 |
MULTIMICELLES | Chemical Sciences and Materials | University of Patras | 100000 |
MILE5G | Engineering | National Technical University of Athens | 10000 |
MALAMA | Engineering | National Technical University of Athens | 10000 |
DMLG | Engineering | National Technical University of Athens | 100000 |
mocatbi | Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences | University of Patras | 75000 |
CD-FEP | Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences | Academy of Athens | 100000 |
multimodal_points | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | Athena – Research and Innovation Center | 50000 |
ml_dp | Engineering | National Technical University of Athens | 50000 |
AEG36 | Earth System Sciences | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 100000 |
AEG36 | Earth System Sciences | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 100000 |
AILS-Diplomas | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | National Technical University of Athens | 10000 |
CMC2 | Chemical Sciences and Materials | NCSR Demokritos | 100000 |
CNNBr | Medicine | University of Patras | 50000 |
CognAI | Machine learning | National Technical University of Athens | 20000 |
ConSAF | Earth System Sciences | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 100000 |
CryoSegment | Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 50000 |
D2T | Engineering | Athena – Research and Innovation Center | 10000 |
ddl-nprov | Engineering | National Technical University of Athens | 50000 |
DISIVER | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | National Technical University of Athens | 2000 |
dnn3d-athena | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | Athena – Research and Innovation Center | 50000 |
e-prv | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | University of Piraeus | 50000 |
ECN | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | University of Macedonia | 20000 |
Ekman-0 | Earth System Sciences | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 100000 |
EnWaves | Earth System Sciences | Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas | 100000 |
INFORE | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | Technical University of Crete | 80000 |
LMDD | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | Athena – Research and Innovation Center | 20000 |
M.A. | Earth System Sciences | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 100000 |
MECHAIR | >Chemical Sciences and Materials | University of Patras | 100000 |
melanomaproject | Biochemistry Bioinformatics and Life sciences | University of Patras | 50000 |
MG | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | National Technical University of Athens | 50000 |
MLGM | Engineering | National Technical University of Athens | 100000 |
MMGPU | Fundamental Constituents of Matter | National Technical University of Athens | 10000 |
MORE | Engineering | Athena – Research and Innovation Center | 50000 |
MuseWaveNet | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | Technical University of Crete | 5000 |
NUCREHI | Chemical Sciences and Materials | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 50000 |
POLYNANO | Chemical Sciences and Materials | University of Patras | 100000 |
PREFERRED | Earth System Sciences | National Observatory Athens | 15000 |
RE-HPC | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | National Technical University of Athens | 100000 |
Sen4AgriNet | Earth System Sciences | National Observatory Athens | 50000 |
SO-LISIS | Earth System Sciences | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 100000 |
SpreadLens | Engineering | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 50000 |
TL | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | National Technical University of Athens | 40000 |
TRAP | Earth System Sciences | National Observatory Athens | 100000 |
WES3 | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | University of Crete | 50000 |