Εγκεκριμένα Έργα 9th Production Call

Αποδόθηκαν 52,048,330 core hours σε 43 έργα για χρονικό διάστημα των 12 μηνών.

Project Acronym Project name Research Field Organization Name Allocated Thin Allocated Fat Allocated GPU
AA2 Aerosol Absorbtion II Earth System Sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 350000
AbetaInhibition Structural and Computational Studies of Potential Inhibitors of Amyloid-β Aggregation in Alzheimer’s disease Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 1200000
ACCING Assessment of Climate Change in Greece Earth System Sciences NCSR Demokritos 800000
ALLINIRAP Structure-based discovery of allosteric inhibitors of IRAP Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences NCSR Demokritos 1000000 350000
ANEMOS Surface forcing climate scenarios and its connection to atmospheric composition changes in the Eastern Mediterranean. Earth System Sciences University of the Aegean 1000000
AWIMS Aerosol-Water Interactions from Molecular Simulations Earth System Sciences Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas 3500000
BlooMsim Blood flow in 3D complex geometries Engineering University of Patras 500000
BOLOGNA Unraveling Earth’s microbiome at a protein family level Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center 1000000 1000000
CHAOS2020 Long term three-way coupled simulations of CHAOS Earth System Sciences Harokopio University 1000000
CiTyM City-Scale CTM applications for Athens Earth System Sciences National Observatory Athens 180000
CoastHPC Coastal protection study based on an advanced HPC numerical model Engineering University of Patras 2500000
CoBrain5 Synchronization of Brain Neurons Mathematics and Computer Sciences NCSR Demokritos 500000 150000
COmethconv Density functional theory and quantum molecular dynamics calculations of CO conversion to methanol and temperature programed desorption from Ni/001Cu interfaces Chemical Sciences and Materials University of Patras 200000
COMPIL2 Computer simulation of Polymeric/Ionic Liquid systems Chemical Sciences and Materials NCSR Demokritos 1950000
CORAL Cosmic rays, aerosols and clouds Earth System Sciences Democritus University of Thrace 1200000
CREAM Computational Research Studies of Advanced Materials Chemical Sciences and Materials National Technical University of Athens 1300000 200000
CropsGR Annual Crop Type Mapping at National Scale from High Resolution Copernicus Sentinel-2 Data Earth System Sciences National Technical University of Athens 130000 65000
CrowdNA Molecular crowding effects on the conformational stability and solution viscosity of short DNA molecules: a case study for canonical duplex structures of ring and linear molecular architecture, and non-canonical, G-quadruplex structures. Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences University of Patras 3000000 300000
EXEED EXtended scattEring databasE of Dust Earth System Sciences National Observatory Athens 3500000
FineCoCPS Fine and coarse climate convective permitting simulations over Europe Earth System Sciences Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 1390000
FORA 2 Forecasting the Aegean Sea 2 Earth System Sciences Hellenic Centre for Marine Research 2000000
KRAS-MEM Studying the effect of lipid composition on KRAS dimers in WT and G12D mutant forms Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences Biomedical Research Foundation – Academy of Athens 53330
LaMIPlaS-III Laser Matter Interactions & Plasma Simulations – III Laser Matter Interactions & Plasma Simulations Technological Educational Institute of Crete 1650000 160000
MagnetoNanoTherapy Simulation of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy Engineering Technological Educational Institute of Athens 620000
MEXEF Molecular Excitation in Electrostatic Field Chemical Sciences and Materials National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 300000
MIMICA@Wave-part2 Coupling of Wave model with MIMICA LES MIMICA@Wave-part2 Earth System Sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 200000
MOLSINP Molecular Simulations for Neurochemistry-related Problems Chemical Sciences and Materials National Technical University of Athens 3500000
MONanoBio Charge Movement in atom-thick Nanowires based on Bioelements Physics National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 800000
NANOCOMPDESIGN Computational design of nanostructured materials Chemical Sciences and Materials University of Crete 1300000 80000 100000
NEBULA Understanding Biomedical Publications Mathematics and Computer Sciences Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 350000
PaTrop4 Application of a high-resolution weather model (WRF) for the tropospheric correction of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) observations: The PaTrop Project 4 Earth System Sciences National Observatory Athens 100000
PHASEDCTAC Exploring the phase diagram of hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride systems Chemical Sciences and Materials NCSR Demokritos 2200000
PIXSIC Pixel Segmented Ionization Chamber Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 2000000
PoweRMod Powerful Reinforcement Learning Models via Distributed Framework Combinations Mathematics and Computer Sciences Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 400000
RINGSOL Ring Polymer Solutions Chemical Sciences and Materials University of Patras 3500000
STOVER3-HEMO STATISTICS OF OVERTURNS3-HEMODYNAMICS Other Hellenic Centre for Marine Research 650000
SUSYMM Emergence of Time and Space in Matrix Models of Superstring Theory – Part 2 Fundamental Constituents of Matter National Technical University of Athens 820000
SWARM Stochastic Wave Regional Modelling Earth System Sciences Hellenic Centre for Marine Research 500000
SYNTH-DMDA Investigation of Reaction Mechanisms for the Synthesis of Natural Products Chemical Sciences and Materials NCSR Demokritos 300000
TopMagX2 Topological Excitations in Magnetic Systems Physics National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 600000
UCLIM Urban CLImate Mitigation Earth System Sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 400000
UmbrellaAT1 Investigate the binding pathway of candesartan to AT1R through biased Molecular Dynamics simulations Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 1000000
UrbanFirePlan Fire Plans for Urban Accidents Engineering Piraeus University of Applied Sciences 200000