1.356.000 of ARIS’s core hours have been awarded to 18 preparatory (Type A) or development (Type B) projects for the duration of 2 to 4 months.
Project Acronym | Project Name | PI Name | Research Field | Organization Name | Allocated Core Hours | Type |
AiolosFarm | Windpark analysis and efficiency optimization by two-way MESO/Micro scale coupling | Prof. Nicolas Moussiopoulos | Engineering | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 35000 | A |
AK_Iodine | Iodine Revisited. An ab initio Study | Prof. Apostolos Kalemos | Chemical Sciences and Materials | University of Athens | 100000 | A |
COASTHPC | High Performance Computation of Coastal Processess | Prof. Athanassios Dimas | Engineering | University of Patras | 50000 | A |
COCHLEA | COCHLEA | Prof Ioannis Tigelis | Engineering | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 50000 | B |
CODNA | Carrier Oscillations in DNA | Prof. Constantinos Simserides | Chemical Sciences and Materials | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 90000 | A |
CommPred | Communication Prediction for Large-Scale Applications | Dr Georgios Goumas | Computer Engineering | National Technical University of Athens | 96000 | A |
EFEST | Efficient estimates for matrix functions with applications to statistics, networks and machine learning | Associate Professor Marilena Mitrouli | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | University of Athens | 100000 | B |
F3SW | Fine-tuned Force-Fields for Supercritical Water | Prof. Jannis Samios | Chemical Sciences and Materials | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 100000 | A |
FEM-RBSN-Hysteresis | FEM and RBSN models for the simulation of hysteretic behavior of materials | PhD student CHRISTOS SOFIANOS | Engineering | NTUA | 10000 | A |
GenPknots | Genomescale Pseudoknotted RNAfolding | Dr. Martin Reczko | Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences | Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” | 30000 | A |
LESinFIRE | Large Eddy Simulation in Wildland Fires | Prof. Theodore Karacostas | Earth System Sciences | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 100000 | A |
metocean_db | Met-Ocean Data Base | MSc Eleni Drakaki | Earth System Sciences | University of Athens | 55000 | B |
MULTISCALE | Scalability of ab initio multireference correlated calculations for ground and excited states of molecules, with emphasis on the dinitrogen molecule, N2. | Professor Emeritus Aristides Mavridis | Chemical Sciences and Materials | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 100000 | A |
ParSysStudy | Extended Study of Student Projects in Parallel Systems | Prof Yiannis Cotronis | Mathematics and Computer Sciences | University of Athens | 100000 | B |
Pasha | Parallelized short read de novo assembly | Dr Pantelis Topalis | Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences | IMBB-FORTH | 60000 | A |
ROTEXSC_A | Rotation energy excitation of ions in supercritical fluids | Prof. ANDREAS KOUTSELOS | Chemical Sciences and Materials | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | 80000 | A |
SUBOFF | Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow Around a Submarine | Professor Nikolaos Malamataris | Engineering | TEI of West Macedonia | 100000 | A |
SWF | Seasonal Weather Forecast | Prof. Petros Katsafados | Earth System Sciences | Harokopio University of Athens | 100000 | A |