1.356.000 of ARIS’s core hours have been awarded to 18 preparatory (Type A) or development (Type B) projects for the duration of 2 to 4 months.

Project Acronym  Project Name PI Name Research Field  Organization Name Allocated Core Hours Type
AiolosFarm Windpark analysis and efficiency optimization by two-way MESO/Micro scale coupling Prof. Nicolas Moussiopoulos Engineering Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 35000 A
AK_Iodine Iodine Revisited. An ab initio Study Prof. Apostolos Kalemos Chemical Sciences and Materials University of Athens 100000 A
COASTHPC High Performance Computation of Coastal Processess Prof. Athanassios Dimas Engineering University of Patras 50000 A
COCHLEA COCHLEA Prof Ioannis Tigelis Engineering National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 50000 B
CODNA Carrier Oscillations in DNA Prof. Constantinos Simserides Chemical Sciences and Materials National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 90000 A
CommPred Communication Prediction for Large-Scale Applications Dr Georgios  Goumas Computer Engineering National Technical University of Athens 96000 A
EFEST Efficient estimates for matrix functions with applications to statistics, networks and machine learning Associate Professor Marilena Mitrouli Mathematics and Computer Sciences University of Athens 100000 B
F3SW Fine-tuned Force-Fields for Supercritical Water Prof. Jannis Samios Chemical Sciences and Materials National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 100000 A
FEM-RBSN-Hysteresis FEM and RBSN models for the simulation of hysteretic behavior of materials PhD student CHRISTOS SOFIANOS Engineering NTUA 10000 A
GenPknots Genomescale Pseudoknotted RNAfolding Dr. Martin Reczko Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” 30000 A
LESinFIRE Large Eddy Simulation in Wildland Fires Prof. Theodore Karacostas Earth System Sciences Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 100000 A
metocean_db Met-Ocean Data Base MSc Eleni Drakaki Earth System Sciences University of Athens 55000 B
MULTISCALE Scalability of ab initio multireference correlated calculations for ground and excited states of molecules, with emphasis on the dinitrogen molecule, N2. Professor Emeritus Aristides Mavridis Chemical Sciences and Materials National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 100000 A
ParSysStudy Extended Study of Student Projects in Parallel Systems Prof Yiannis Cotronis Mathematics and Computer Sciences University of Athens 100000 B
Pasha Parallelized short read de novo assembly Dr Pantelis Topalis Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life sciences IMBB-FORTH 60000 A
ROTEXSC_A Rotation energy excitation of ions in supercritical fluids Prof. ANDREAS KOUTSELOS Chemical Sciences and Materials National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 80000 A
SUBOFF Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow Around a Submarine Professor Nikolaos Malamataris Engineering TEI of West Macedonia 100000 A
SWF Seasonal Weather Forecast Prof. Petros Katsafados Earth System Sciences Harokopio University of Athens 100000 A