The Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET S.A.) opens the 3rd Call for Proposals, for project access to the national HPC system named ARIS ( The call is addressed to scientists and researchers that work in academic and research institutions in Greece. The project proposals should address open research topics in all scientific fields. Via this call GRNET S.A. makes it possible for scientists in Greece to have access to the national supercomputing facility, ARIS.
Access will be awarded for a period of 12 months, beginning on the February 2017.
Scope and criteria of access
The 3rd call enables researchers from Greece to obtain access to the powerful national High Performance Computing system. Project Proposals must be of high scientific and social value.
The criteria for the evaluation of projects for accessing the available resources will be:
- Scientific Excellence and Impact of the proposed research
- The need for HPC resources
- Maturity and experience of the principal investigator and his/her team
- Feasibility of the project based on a technical evaluation and the availability of resources
Eligible applicants are scientists affiliated with academic or research institutions in Greece.
Applicants should commit to the usage of the resources that will be allocated to them, as well as to providing reports of their work based on the proposed time schedule (see below). Further to that, scientists should acknowledge the use of the GRNET’s HPC facility in all publications presenting results obtained from using the allocated resources.